Friday, October 14, 2005
- SFChron Blog - New poll on union dues initiative shows 49-43 lead
LAT - Kerry Joins Fight Against Prop. 75 as Democrats Try to Boost Turnout
- SFChron - Kerry says Prop. 75 would slant system in corporations' favor
- SacBee - Kerry urges defeat of Prop. 75
- SacBee - Propositions 78 and 79: Rival plans target pain of uninsured
- LADN: Prop 78 PRO: Drug discounts to aid many
- LADN - Prop 78 CON: Firms not required to take part
NCTimes - More arguments filed in Cunningham case
FresBee - Pushing the need to vote
- CCTimes - Unexpected $1.2 billion boost for state budget
- OakTrib - Killian drops Assembly bid
- SFChron - Governor signs foster-care bills
LAT - D.A. Introduces O.C.'s Most Wanted
- OCReg - O.C. publishes first-ever '10 Most Wanted' list
- SacBee - Law limits homeowners associations
- CCTimes - State water program thrown into disarray
The Golden Pen
BILL WHALEN COLUMN: <br \>WklyStandard - Fast and Low: It's how CA unions like their politics
- TED COSTA COLUMN:<br \>SacBee - Yes on Prop. 77, Take partisanship out of redistricting
- JILL STEWART COLUMN: <br \>SFChron - The D's, the R's and the unions
Gift by Schwarzenegger to Back Prop. 77 Upheld
- DAN WALTERS COLUMN: SacBee - By the numbers, Capitol has become less relevant to California
CCTimes (AP) - Governor backs possible measure to strengthen sex offender penalties
- LADN - Signature drive begins [Jessica's Law]
- SFExam - Business of politics finds home in San Francisco
- FresBee - Group accuses Sen. Dean Florez of violating campaign funding rules
- SDUT - Governor addresses S.D. pension plight
- LAT - Aid Plan for O.C. Tollway Unveiled
- LAT - Resolved: Reduce Council Puffery